eCHOIng: Recovery of cultural heritage through higher education driven open innovation

Funding Source

European Commission, Erasmus+ Norwegian National Agency


Erasmus+ Key Action 2, Higher Education sector


January 2022 – July 2024 (30 months)


Professional training,
Civic engagement,

Digital skills,

Skills development,
Open access resource,
Open course




The coronavirus crisis is seen as an opportunity to revitalise the connection of Higher Education (HE) systems to society and to assume even more energetically their role and responsibilities towards European citizens. What appears as an imperative in the post-pandemic context is to provide resilient and sustainable solutions via innovative methods and practices, such as open innovation (OI) and citizen-science (CS), for societal benefits.


The eCHOIng project aims to increase the capacity, resilience and extroversion of European universities by using open innovation as a means to contribute to the revival of cultural heritage in times of crisis. eCHOIng addresses university staff and students in the field of cultural heritage. The project develops and tests innovative approaches universities can adopt in reviving the cultural heritage sector in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Key project outcomes


● Survey on higher education readiness to reach out to cultural heritage organisations and benefit from open innovation.
● Online modules.
●Implementation of 24 open innovation projects by higher education institutions and cultural heritage organisations.


● Norwegian university of science and technology (NO), coordinator
● Scuola superiore di studi  Universitari e di Perfezionamento Santa Anna (IT)
● University of Tartu (EE)
● Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski (BG)
● Web2Learn (GR)
● OSYGY, the network of 15 not-for-profit women associations in 13 islands in the Cyclades (GR)
