New citizen science initiative for the Deaf community of Thessaloniki

Acting4DHH: Web2Learn’s new citizen science initiative for the Deaf community funded by IMPETUS!

We couldn’t be prouder and happier to know that the “Acting4DHH” proposal envisioned by Katerina Zourou, our managing director, has been approved by the IMPETUS Accelerator programme along 5 “citizen science for communities” projects across Europe!

Building on our work and commitment to expand inclusivity and accessibility of citizen science, in particular for the benefit of Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) citizens, Acting4DHH is designed to enhance the engagement of the Greek DHH community in citizen science for social good! Specifically, Acting4DHH is a project by the by Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) community in Thessaloniki, Greece, aiming to improve social wellbeing through citizen social science.

The project is a continuation of Web2Learn’s actions with the Deaf community in the framework of the EU-funded project CitSci4All and European Citizen Science.

Project overview and foreseen results
Acting4DHH deploys 5 citizen science activities designed to overcome knowledge, skills and communication barriers of DHH citizens and to leverage civic engagement and inclusion in society. A CS paper (pre-print), a zine, a video testimonial series, 1 blog post at ECSA’s Lighthouse newsletter and a dedicated project page on Scistarter will be the key results of Acting4DHH.

The innovative dimension of the project lies in its objective to enhance social wellbeing of DHH people through citizen social science projects in which Hearing people act as co-creators and advocates of DHH inclusion and accessibility.

Stay tuned for more news on the Acting4DHH project!