BREVapp: Revolutionizing Credential Issuance and Compliance with EU Standards

BREVapp: Revolutionizing Credential Issuance and Compliance with EU Standards

Access BREVApp here

BREVapp is a system that helps to:

Issue Credentials

1. BREVapp allows an educational/ training organisation to issue credentials aligned with the European Digital Credentials Infrastructure (EDCI).

Compare EU standards for credential descriptors (schemas)
2. With BREVapp Schema Comparison Tool (SCT), the issuing organisation receives a visual report on the percentage of compliance between their current degree’s attributes and these EU standards: a) the Diploma Supplement, b) the MicroHE standard, and c) the ECCOE standard.

Produce customized descriptors schemas
3. With BREVapp Schema Creation tool, an organisation can produce customized schemas of credential descriptors.

Connect to Edubadges portfolio
4. This tool allows the display of Edubadges issued by an educational/ training organisation to its learners.

Interested in learning more and testing the system free of charge?  Please contact us at: info@web2learn.euÂ