iPEN: Innovative Photonics Education in Nanotechnology

Funding Source

European Commission


A Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)


September 2017 – August 2020 (36 months)


Professional training,

Digital skills,
Skills development,
Advanced technologies,

Open course




Nanotechnology is among the fastest growing fields in STEM sciences. The iPEN project had as a primary objective to provide an education training programme to young researchers (e.g., postgraduate students) in the most common used photonic tools and techniques in a nanotechnology laboratory. iPEN included the development of online & offline modules and the organisation of intensive courses that fostered the photonic learning skills of young researchers in the field of nanotechnologies.


The project consisted of a multinational consortium, with partners from Greece, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, and Israel. All partners have demonstrated a strong record in the fields of education and research in photonics and in various fields of nanotechnology.


Key project outcomes


● Mapping and analysis of the most desired soft skills for modern scientists.
● Online training modules.


● Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece, coordinator
● Politechnico di Milano / The Physics Department / Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
● University of Twente / MENSA NanoLab , The Netherlands
● Friendrich – Alexander Universiteit Erlangen , Germany
● Institute of Electronic Structure and Lasers / Ultrafast Laser Micro and Nano Processing Laboratory , Greece
● Web2Learn Greece
● Bar Ilan University / BINA Research Center, Israel
● Weizmann Institute of Technology /Department of Science Teaching , Israel
● Sami Shamoon College of Engineering /Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Israel
● Holon Institute of Technology /The Faculty of Engineering, Israel
● Machba – Interuniversity Computation Center , Israel
● Ben Gurion University of the Negev /Department of Life Sciences & Solar National Center , Israel
● Technion Israel Institute of Technology /Nano Based Devices Laboratory , Israel