New citizen science initiative: Citizen-driven air quality monitoring in Limnos island to map overtourism’ repercussions in summertime

Citizen science for air quality in Limnos island to map overtourism repercussions during summertime

Motivated to keep expanding citizen science within the remote rural community of Limnos island, Greece, we just launched an innovative air quality monitoring initiative! 

A citizen science project on air quality

The purpose of this new initiative is both scientific and educational, which perfectly aligns with the citizen science mission of Web2Learn. More precisely, the scientific dimension relates to the placement of air quality sensors in areas with high urban density (Myrina and Moudros) and one at the Limnos airport. The educational dimension involves awareness-raising activities about air quality, with an action-oriented and experimental approach typical of citizen science projects. The beneficiaries of this initiative are children at high schools in Limnos and, more broadly, all residents of the island. The project is expected to start by mid-September 2024.

The initiative is part of the Horizon Europe project European Citizen Science (2021-2025, GA: 101058509) in which Web2Learn participates as an affiliated entity. 

The quest for inclusivity in citizen science for remote rural communities

Although communities living in remote rural areas account for 9% of the EU’s population and are abundant in natural resources and unique ecosystems, they are often left behind when it comes to participation opportunities in shaping and addressing socio-environmental problems (Castillo et al. 2023). This harsh reality is also experienced by inhabitants of Limnos island, who are called to face the dire consequences of climate change, environmental degradation and overtourism with little or no training and adequate tools. 

Determined to break this vicious cycle of exclusion and fatalism, Web2Learn adopts citizen science as a means to a) raise awareness, b) engage, and c) empower locals to map, monitor and take action for the deterioration of air quality in their island during the overcrowded summer season.

Tackling a real-life problem: Overtourism repercussions to air quality in Limnos during summertime 

Overtourism during summertime is now a real-life problem in many Greek locations, even remote ones, bringing tangible repercussions to the quality of life and services in rural communities. Limnos island is no exception, and it’s time to unite forces with citizens and stakeholders to tackle overtourism’s consequences on air quality! 

How to do so? Through citizens mapping overtourism’s footprint on the air quality in Limnos during the summer season!

Stay tuned as more news on this special mission is coming soon!

The Web2Learn team allocated to this project consists of Claire Fragkiadaki (communication, outreach), Stefania Oikonomou (citizen science and co-design), and Dr. Katerina Zourou, team leader (strategy and scientific supervision).

Web2Learn has purchased and is about to place air quality measuring devices at three locations in Limnos, in collaboration with researchers of the Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA). 

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.