Citizen science, Social innovation, Civic engagement,
Open access resource
Baltics4UA aims to enhance Baltic universities’ social responsibility through civic engagement actions to address the current Ukrainian humanitarian crisis in the Baltics. The project empowers higher education institutions (HEIs) to support active citizenship within formal education, while answering the need of upskilling academic staff, students and citizens in social action to support Ukrainian populations in the Baltics. The project foresees enhancing HEIs’ cooperation with the quadruple helix actors (policy, industry, society) in humanitarian crises.
Baltics4UA answers the need of Ukrainian refugees to continue their learning and life journey in the Baltics or in Ukraine. The project unfolds in a series of experience cafés, the production of open educational materials for academic staff and the release of a podcast series in which university staff involved in citizen engagement actions will share their experiences.
Key project outcomes
● Landscape analysis: Examples of citizen engagement initiatives for Ukraine organised by Baltic Universities. ● Open access publication: “Academia as catalyst of the quadruple helix implementation for social responsibility in the Baltics”. ● Policy brief: Higher education in humanitarian crises: resilience, social inclusion, innovation. ● Methodology for the design, implementation and assessment of citizen engagement. ●Open access publication: Ukrainians in the country and abroad: social and technological dimensions in crisis response within and beyond HEIs.
● Tallinn University (EE), coordinator ● Kaunas University of Technology (LT) ● Web2Learn (GR) ● University of Tartu (EE) ● Latvia University (LV) ● Lviv Polytechnic National University (UA)