The GLAMers: Youth engagement in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums during the Covid-19 crisis

Funding Source

European Commission- Erasmus+ Cyprus National Agency


Erasmus+ KA2


April 2021 – February 2023 (24 months)


Social innovation, 
Civic engagement, 
Digital skills, Open access resource, 
Open course




In the COVID-19 crisis, it became evident that the cultural and creative sector was one of those severely hit in Europe (cf. European Commission’s Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative, October 8, 2020). Thus, the pandemic brough to the fore the participatory potential offered by the digital transformation to cultural heritage organisations, such as Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAMs).

In particular, youth engagement in culture flourished in the form of bottom-up initiatives, such as hackathons, 3D artifacts for citizens in need, and crowdfunding campaigns organised by GLAMs remotely. These practices illustrated that youth communities are prepared to take a more active role in the support of the cultural/creative sector, should this sector offer more activities that engage the public in actions for communities’ wellbeing and empowerment.


Key project outcomes


●A collection of use cases emphasising youth engagement as a means of GLAM recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic.
●An open access digital collection of at least 30 digital resources, plus a 5-module online training suite and 8 webinars for GLAMs and youth organisations.
●Organisation of real events at GLAMs’ premises with the active participation of youth.


●Cyprus University of Technology

●(CY), coordinator
●Citizens in Power (CY)
●Web2Learn (GR)
●Museum of Arts and Crafts (HRV)
●Michael Culture Association (BE)
