NEW project: Youth digital readiness and employability through credentialisation of non-formal learning!ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Youth digital readiness and employability through credentialisation of non-formal learning: The CrediblY project

Aiming to tackle barriers to youth readiness and employability prospects in the EU, we are happy to share news of the Erasmus+ CrediblY project that has officially kick-started in January 2024!

CrediblY (Youth digital readiness and employability through credentialisation of non-formal learning) is a 14-month Erasmus+ KA2 Small Scale project that aims to develop a system prototype that bridges functionalities of Youthpass with the European Digital Credentials Infrastructure (EDCI)/Europass and to award credentials to youth in non-formal learning environments in Finland and Belgium.

The project embraces and fosters an empowering vision for the present and future of digital accreditation in the youth sector, specifically with regards to non-formal learning. Thus, CrediblY is designed to enhance innovation in validation of youth work, but also support young persons’ smooth integration into the job market.

Web2Learn will bring its expertise on digital credentialisation of skills acquired by youth through the project.

CrediblY is the first Erasmus+ project in which we act as coordinators. The consortium is made of: Web2Learn, SYSTEM & G Finland RY and the Association for European Cooperation Development and Communication.

The project has been ideated and co-designed by Web2Learn.

#StayTuned for more news on our CrediblY project!