Web2Learn for medical citizen science at CNAO and CERN!

Web2Learn for medical citizen science at CNAO and CERN!

How can health research deliver better and customised solutions to health problems?
Is there a role for patients and individuals to foster innovative health research?

Our answer? Medical citizen science!

From June 3-10, we will meet managers and research teams from two pioneer institutions, such as the Italian National Centre of Oncology Adrontherapy (CNAO) and CERN, to discuss about the societal and scientific potential of medical citizen science (MSC) as well as forge new collaborations in this field!

We were delighted to accept the invitation of Aspasia Tasiopoulou and Dr. Yiota Foka to present citizen science during the Particle Therapy Masterclass organised in March 23, 2024! The masterclass was live streamed with hundreds of students from Greece and Cyprus joining it! You can watch the recording of the masterclass here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yipB5A0oqL0&t=3344s

Acknowledging the still underexplored potential of medical citizen science, Katerina Zourou was determined to do more to open up health science and research to society. And so, this unique journey to meet with pioneers in health research at CNAO and CERN become true!  

Our vision
Leverage MSC and new technologies to meaningfully engage individuals in innovative health research!

Web2Learn will be represented by Stefania Oikonomou who will be joined by Dr. Yiota Foka, recognised physicist at CERN leading the annual MasterClass on Particle Therapy.

Special thanks to Dr. Yiota Foka for embracing our vision of innovative public participation in health research and co-planning of the forthcoming meetings in Pavia and Geneva.

#MedicalCitizenScience #CERN #CNAO #CivicEngagement #Innovation #Science #SocialValue #Participation #Health #Research