Business response to the Ukrainian crisisㅤㅤ

Business and academic resilience to support the Ukrainian crisis response in the Baltics


On April 11, 2023, Web2Lean organised a webinar on “Business and academic resilience to support the Ukrainian crisis response in the Baltics” in the context of the EU-funded Baltics4UA project. The interactive session brought together experts and stakeholders from the business, academic, civil society, and policy-making sectors from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Europe more broadly. We were extremely happy to host as speakers Mārcis Miķelsons-Germs (Stopify), Oleksandr Pavlenko (Choizy), Mantas Našlėnas (Fidum Ltd) and Ganna Tron (Vytautas Magnus University) who shared their experiences in actions for the benefit of Ukraine and its people.
