iPEN: Innovative Photonics Education in Nanotechnology

Funding Source

European Commission


A Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)


September 2017 – August 2020 (36 months)


Professional training,

Digital skills,
Skills development,
Advanced technologies,

Ανοικτό μάθημα


Ολοκληρωμένα έργα


Nanotechnology is among the fastest growing fields in STEM sciences. The iPEN project had as a primary objective to provide an education training programme to young researchers (e.g., postgraduate students) in the most common used photonic tools and techniques in a nanotechnology laboratory. iPEN included the development of online & offline modules and the organisation of intensive courses that fostered the photonic learning skills of young researchers in the field of nanotechnologies.


The project consisted of a multinational consortium, with partners from Greece, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, and Israel. All partners have demonstrated a strong record in the fields of education and research in photonics and in various fields of nanotechnology.


Key project outcomes


● Mapping and analysis of the most desired soft skills for modern scientists.
● Online training modules.


● Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece, coordinator
● Politechnico di Milano / The Physics Department / Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
● University of Twente / MENSA NanoLab , The Netherlands
● Friendrich – Alexander Universiteit Erlangen , Germany
● Institute of Electronic Structure and Lasers / Ultrafast Laser Micro and Nano Processing Laboratory , Greece
● Web2Learn Greece
● Bar Ilan University / BINA Research Center, Israel
● Weizmann Institute of Technology /Department of Science Teaching , Israel
● Sami Shamoon College of Engineering /Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Israel
● Holon Institute of Technology /The Faculty of Engineering, Israel
● Machba – Interuniversity Computation Center , Israel
● Ben Gurion University of the Negev /Department of Life Sciences & Solar National Center , Israel
● Technion Israel Institute of Technology /Nano Based Devices Laboratory , Israel