GraDAna was a cross-national project bringing together European universities and SMEs with seven Iranian universities. The project aimed at curriculum development and staff training in Iran and Europe on the topic of data analytics. The project sought to foster higher education cooperation between the EU and Iran, by improving entrepreneurship and employability of Iranian university graduates. GraDAna transfered know-how, experiences and best-practices to Iranian universities through its international business-academia cooperation plans.
The involved Iranian universities lead research and education nationwide and are geographically balanced. The project aimed to support the 2nd largest unemployed group of graduates in Iran (IT sector) by enhancing their professional competences, while proving the extrovert, multicultural and collaborative EU approach to globalisation.
Key project outcomes
● Improving entrepreneurship, employability and competitiveness of graduates through modernised trainings in DA and related disciplines. ● Report “Iranian Governmental Policy on Developing Strategies to Support VET for HE Graduates”. ● Inclusion of regional industry stakeholders through project multiplier events.
Coordinator: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.