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Η Web2Learn παρέχει τις πλέον σύγχρονες και κορυφαίες υπηρεσίες συμβουλευτικής σε δημόσιους και ιδιωτικούς φορείς, καθώς και σε ιδιώτες, σε ένα εύρος ποικίλων θεμάτων, όπως η ψηφιακή εκπαίδευση, η ανοικτή επιστήμη και η κοινωνική συμμετοχή.

aHellenic Mediterranean University (HMU)
External Evaluation of Erasmus+ project ITEM: Innovative Teaching Education in Mathematics (Capacity Building Project in Higher Education programme)


Training Ukrainian university managers and administrators on academic resilience and social participation, October 27, 2022.


cUniversity of Macedonia (UOM)
Consultancy on grant writing (Capacity Building in Higher Education action of Erasmus+ programme), University of Macedonia, Department of Educational & Social Policy, March 2022.


dAgence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
Online training on “Initiation to Distance Learning” offered at two Caribbean universities, namely the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, and Universidad Central de Las Villas, in Cuba, July-August 2020.

Online training on “Digital transformation through innovative pedagogies in higher education”, offered at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, and Universidad Central de Las Villas, in Cuba (round 2), December 2020- March 2021.

Online training on “Digital transformation in the higher education” for engineers in the Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas in Cuba, and the Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico, December 2021- July 2022.

University staff upskilling on “Digital and pedagogical innovation in teacher training” for staff at the University Quisqueya (Haïti), June 2022.


eShanghai International Studies University (SISU)
Strategist for the internationalization of SISU with respect to its opening up to cooperation with European institutions. Invited stay in Shanghai in December 2019.

aHellenic Mediterranean University (HMU)
External Evaluation of Erasmus+ project ITEM: Innovative Teaching Education in Mathematics (Capacity Building Project in Higher Education programme)


Training Ukrainian university managers and administrators on academic resilience and social participation, October 27, 2022.


cUniversity of Macedonia (UOM)
Consultancy on grant writing (Capacity Building in Higher Education action of Erasmus+ programme), University of Macedonia, Department of Educational & Social Policy, March 2022.


dAgence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
Online training on “Initiation to Distance Learning” offered at two Caribbean universities, the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, and Universidad Central de Las Villas, Cuba, July-August 2020.

Online training on “Digital transformation through innovative pedagogies in higher education”, offered at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, and Universidad Central de Las Villas, Cuba (round 2), December 2020-March 2021.

Online training on “Digital transformation in the higher education” for engineers in the Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas in Cuba, and the Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico, December 2021-July 2022.

University staff upskilling on “Digital and pedagogical innovation in teacher training” for staff at the University Quisqueya (Haïti), June 2022.


eShanghai International Studies University (SISU)
Strategist for the internationalization of SISU with respect to its opening up to cooperation with European institutions. Invited stay in Shanghai in December 2019.

a) ELBYSIER: Electronics Beyond Silicon Era

Expert consultation on project procedures and outcomes. April 2016-September 2018.

b) COMALAT: Competence-oriented multilingual adaptive language assessment and training system

Expert consultation on e-learning solutions adopted by the consortium. October 2014-September 2017.

c) OREA: Organic Electronics & Applications

Expert consultation on project procedures and outcomes. June 2014-May 2015.

d) Open Education challenge: competitive education startups in the European Incubator for Innovation in Education

Advisor on the selection of most innovative educational business ideas for seed funding and mentoring, February 2014.

e) sustainable networking language learning community

Expert consultation on the design of informal language learning environments, October 2012-June 2014.

f) iLike: Identifying the logic structure of languages by the use of new interactive mobile services

Expert review of the computer-assisted language learning pedagogical framework, May 2013.

g) POERUP: Policies for OER uptake

Collection and analysis of country-specific data on OER policies (Greece), October-November 2012.

h) MW-TELL: mobile & wireless technology for Technology Enhanced Language Learning

External content evaluator in the field of networking technologies for language learning, September 2010.


a. Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus

Independent reviewer: Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Innovation 2009-2010.


b. National Agency for Research

Reviewer for two nationwide applications under the STIC funding scheme (ICT sciences), June 2010.


c. Ministry of Education, Hessen State, Frankfurt

Member of the consulting team on bilingualism. Creation and evaluation of new teaching materials for bilingual Greek students, October 1999-June 2000.


d. State Scholarships Foundation

Expert reviewer of Erasmus+ applications, May 2016.

e. Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs

  • Programme “Education and lifelong learning 2010”. Areas: intercultural learning and less-taught languages.
  • Regional training programmes and multilingual curricula in primary education (measure 2.2. EPEAEK ΙΙ), 2008.

f. The National Accreditation Centre for Continuing Vocational Training

Expert reviewer on curricula for teacher training and teacher training accreditation programmes, March 2007.

g. Region of Central Macedonia, Thessaloniki

Expert reviewer on training curricula for job seekers. Operational Programme of Central Macedonia, June 2007.

h. Research Committee of the University of Thessaly

Expert reviewer on project proposals on ICT and civil society, National Strategic Reference Framework, Feb. 2013.


i. Institute of Educational Technologies, National Centre for Research

Reviewer of the methodological framework of the country-wide Investigation “Social Media e università”.