New citizen science project on air quality with National Observatory of Athens

New collaboration with the National Observatory of Athens: a citizen science project on air quality in Limnos

Web2Learn is happy to announce another step in our collaboration with the National Observatory of Athens (NOA): the purchase and installation of air quality measuring devices at three locations in Limnos, combined with educational activities for young citizen scientists at schools on the island!

The collaboration is established with the Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development of NOA, and researchers Thanassis Koukoulis and Charalambos Hatzidiakos, under the supervision of Evangelos Gerasopoulos, Research Director of the Institute.

The purpose of this new initiative is both scientific and educational, which perfectly aligns with the citizen science mission of Web2Learn. More precisely, the scientific dimension relates to the purchase of air quality sensors which will be placed in three locations. A tentative plan is that two will be situated in the areas with high urban density (Myrina and Moudros) and one at the Limnos airport. The educational dimension involves awareness-raising activities about air quality, with an action-oriented and experimental approach typical of citizen science projects. The beneficiaries of this initiative are children at high schools in Limnos and, more broadly, all residents of the island.

The collaboration protocol has been prepared, and soon the air quality sensors will reach Limnos. Web2Learn and NOA are co-designing the framework and action plan, which will soon be publicly released and further refined with local schools.

The Web2Learn team allocated to this project consists of Claire Fragkiadaki (communication, outreach), Stefania Oikonomou (citizen science and co-design), and Dr. Katerina Zourou, team leader (strategy and scientific supervision). The initiative is part of the Horizon Europe project European Citizen Science (2021-2025), in which Web2Learn is a partner.

The project is expected to start by mid-September 2024.


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