07 Φεβ Our 4th citizen science workshop with Deaf citizens! ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Our 4th successful citizen science workshop with Deaf and Hard of Hearing citizens in Thessaloniki!

We are extremely happy to share that our 4th citizen science workshop with Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) citizens was successfully carried out on February 4, 2024, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
This was the last workshop if Web2Learn’s series aiming to engage the DHH community of Thessaloniki in citizen science as well as foster inclusivity, accessibility and participation of DHH citizens in shaping their social wellbeing. During the 4th workshop, participants were involved in group discussion over the barriers and opportunities of Deaf-Hearing collaborations in everyday life settings and in citizen science initiatives. Additionally, they provided valuable insights on how to make the IMCity application (an app used by citizens of Thessaloniki to flag issues of public concern to municipal authorities) more accessible and responsive to DHH needs.
At the final activity of the workshop, DHH participants were divided into 2 groups that were asked to imagine setting up their own citizen science project. Some of they key questions both teams worked on were: What issue would they like to address? What digital tools would they use in their project? How would they communicate it with the wider public?
At the 4th workshop, DHH participants were also able to see the drawing prepared by Italian artish Alice Toietta who joined our second workshop on January 19 and engaged in live sketch-noting to depict DHH participants’ experiences in doing citizen science! Alice’s drawing figures now in the premises of the Association of the Deaf of Northern Greece.
The insights and reflections generated by the workshop showed once more how DHH citizens are motivated to join forces with co-citizens and act for collective socio-environmental wellbeing! Through citizen science they can make their voice heard!
We would like to warmly thank all DHH participants of the workshop,as well as the Youth Committee of the Association of the Deaf of Northern Greece for their support throughout the workshop series.
The 4th workshop was part of the ECS project (https://eu-citizen.science/, Project number: 101058509)